6 de January de 2016

Vicent Baydal Sala

vicentbaydalPhD in Medieval History at the Pompeu Fabra Univerity
Co-editor of Libres de la Drassana


Biographical sketch

Born in Valencia in 1979, I studied a year in Law and took my BA in History at the University of Valencia between 1997 and 2004. At the same time I worked for a year and a half in the making of the Museum of History of Valencia. Later I took my doctoral courses at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona and carried out a doctoral thesis on the late medieval origins of the Generalitat of Valencia at the Spanish National Research Council for Scientific (CSIC). I did it under the supervision of Manuel Sánchez Martínez and Josep Maria Salrach, and I read it in June 2011. Before and after I worked as a research assistant at the Museum of History of Barcelona and the Department of Medieval History of the University of Valencia, and I developed two scholarships of the Valencian Academy of Language and the Institute for Catalan Studies. For my doctoral thesis I received two awards: the Ferran Soldevila Prize in biography and historical studies, and the Raimon Noguera Prize in medieval history. Since 2013 I joined the University of Oxford to carry out a two-year postdoctoral research project on the origins of parliamentarianism in Europe thanks to a Marie Curie – Beatriu de Pinós fellowship, with a return year as professor of Law at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. Then, between 2017 and 2022, I worked as an assistant professor of History of Law and Paleography at Jaume I University of Castelló, where I coordinated the research group FORVAL, about History and Law in the Kingdom of Valencia between thirteenth and seventeenth centuries, and lead three research projects on agrarian landscapes, medieval parliamentarism, and the revolt of the Union of 1347-1349. In 2020 I was appointed official chronicler of the city of Valencia, and I am currently co-editor of Llibres de la Drassana and I am dedicated to historical dissemination.

Research Avenues

  • Parliamentary history
  • Fiscal history
  • Epistolary history
  • Identities history

Doctoral Thesis

  • Title: «Els fonaments del pactisme valencià. Sistemes fiscals, relacions de poder i identitat col·lectiva al regne de València (c. 1250 – c. 1365)».
  • Summary: The purpose of the thesis is to deepen the knowledge on the origins of Valencian ‘pactism’. In order to achieve that, it analyses exhaustively the various political/fiscal negotiations that took place between the monarchy and the political community of the kingdom of Valencia from the mid-thirteenth century until the 1360’s. It is, therefore, a study on the history of transformations closely imbricated in each other: on the one hand, the gradual development of the parliamentary practice until it became the main way for resolving grievances between the king and the estates of the realm and, on the other hand, the evolution of the royal and local taxation to general and local fiscal systems that were controlled by the heads of the estates. Thus, by means of analysing these changes, the different stages and characteristics of the configuration process of ‘pactism’ in the kingdom of Valencia can be more precisely determined.
  • Supervisors: Dr. Manuel Sánchez Martínez and Dr. Josep Maria Salrach
  • Grade: Summa cum laude, European Doctorate Certificate
  • Pdf: You may read the two volumes of the doctoral thesis here.




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